A Handbook on Livelihoods for Sustainable Development
Research, writing and editing: Suzanne Kroger
ISBN 81-89587-02-1; Price Rs 150
Small Steps Big Leaps shares working experiences of Rural Programmes Group of CEE. It brings together the experiences of various NGOs working on rural livelihoods in semi-arid areas of Gujarat. The handbook draws on the field experience to provide guidelines for selecting and implementing livelihood interventions. Describing practical examples of activities and approaches for promoting sustainable livelihoods the handbook gives an overview of the theoretical debate on livelihoods for sustainable development. These livelihood options described are ‘small steps’ towards ‘a big leap’ for strengthening the livelihoods of the rural poor.
The more than 60 options described have been selected from the projects of CEE and various other NGOs working in rural areas of Gujarat and Rajasthan. The focus is on livelihood security in semi-arid regions with a similar vulnerability context.
Some examples include preparation of bio-compost and vermicompost, vermin- wash, seed collection and storage, agro-forestry, community vegetable plot, fodder bank, farm bunding, bio-gas, gum collection, manual flour grinding, oil extraction, ragi papad, handicraft, vegetable dye etc.
Each example gives brief description on the livelihood option, details on how people can pursue the activity, benefits from the activity and the contact details for further information.
Each example gives brief description on the livelihood option, details on how people can pursue the activity, benefits from the activity and the contact details for further information.
For more information contact:
Leena Bhatt
Rural Programme Groups
Centre for Environment Education
Nehru Foundation for Development, Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad-380 054
Ph: 079–26858002; Fax: 079–26858010
Kalpavriksh, Grain and IIED have come up with a Biodiversity Information pack, which includes:
1. Understanding the Biological Diversity Act 2002 – A Dossier
A collection of key writings and analysis on Biodiversity Act by Kanchi Kohli
Price Rs 150
The dossier puts together information on biological diversity 2002 act, related rules and agreements. It includes sections on the chronology of the events that led to the notification of the legislation and its present implementation which includes a background to the passage of the legislation and a brief introduction to its key components, along with the rules and agreements. It attempts to bring together the range of perspectives on the legislation and includes well researched critiques as well as voices from the communities. It also presents a description of the institutional structure that has been prescribed by the legislation for its implementation.
Price Rs 150
The dossier puts together information on biological diversity 2002 act, related rules and agreements. It includes sections on the chronology of the events that led to the notification of the legislation and its present implementation which includes a background to the passage of the legislation and a brief introduction to its key components, along with the rules and agreements. It attempts to bring together the range of perspectives on the legislation and includes well researched critiques as well as voices from the communities. It also presents a description of the institutional structure that has been prescribed by the legislation for its implementation.
2. A simple guide to Intellectual Property Rights, Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge
An introduction to IPRs and the implications of private monopolies over biodiversity and traditional knowledge by Tejaswini Apte
Price Rs 150
The hand book is a step towards filling the gap of user-friendly information and encouraging mainstream debate on IPRs, biodiversity and traditional knowledge. Readers will find the handbook useful to design advocacy campaigns, to take debates into mainstream media, or to engage with their government whether as public servants, as informed members of the public, or as organized campaigners.
Price Rs 150
The hand book is a step towards filling the gap of user-friendly information and encouraging mainstream debate on IPRs, biodiversity and traditional knowledge. Readers will find the handbook useful to design advocacy campaigns, to take debates into mainstream media, or to engage with their government whether as public servants, as informed members of the public, or as organized campaigners.
Presented in a question and answer format, it begins with the most basic questions and progresses to more complex issues, making it easily accessible to laypersons as well as those who are already familiar with the subject. The Jargon Buster section breaks through the complicated language commonly used in IPR-related writing, and is designed to be a handy reference.
3. A Guide to the Biological Diversity Act, 2002
A guide to the provisions of the Act from the perspective of local community interests by Shanta Bhushan
A guide to the provisions of the Act from the perspective of local community interests by Shanta Bhushan
Price Rs 150
The objective of this handbook is to explain the rights and responsibilities of local communities under the Biodiversity Act., to help communities who are directly or indirectly dependent on bio-resources with how the law will affect them, and how they in turn can influence its implementation and future course.
This Guide to the Act is an attempt to explain its provisions to people in a simple manner moving away from legalese. The focus is largely on the rights and responsibilities of communities in biodiversity conservation. The Guide also explains the provisions regarding access, control and benefit-sharing. It also briefly touches upon the overlaps that the said law has with other related legislation on seeds, plants and people’s knowledge.
These publications complement each other as part of a set, but are also designed to be read and used separately.
For more information contact:
Kalpavriksh, Apt. 5 Shree Dutta Krupa
908 Deccan GymkhanaPune 411004
Ph: 020-25675450Ph: 020-25654239
Email: kvbooks@vsnl.net or kvdelhi@vsnl.net
Website: http://www.kalpavriksh.org/
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