Editorial Vol 15.No.2

A large population with a low per capita footprint or a small population with a high per capita footprint might mean much the same as far as contribution to climate change goes. But the unequal per capita footprint currently has a major implication for the well-being of people in the first situation. Educators can discuss the debates related to climate change with students using the Joy of Learning Activity in this issue of Education for Change.

Educators of course have to go beyond the current perceived link between energy consumption and standards of living and explore models of sustainability that mean a good life with a small footprint. As is being increasingly recognized, the knowledge, technology and skills already exist to turn around unsustainable development models. The Directory on Community Conserved Areas and other publications profiled in the Resources section provide some examples.

Samrakshan’s Mizoram- field Base is engaged in
conservation education at Saiha, in a variety of ways.

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