Population Education: Resources
Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, using equal area cartograms where territories are re-sized on each map according to a particular variable. For example, one set shows a map with territories in proportion to their land area and another map showing territories in
proportion to their population. The site has maps on variables other than Population as well.
See http://www.worldmapper.org/
Gapminder has videos, Flash presentations and PDF charts showing major global development trends with animated statistics and colorful graphics. See http://www.gapminder.org/
Everything About Population pages from the Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques include animations, documents and fact sheets about population issues. See www.ined.fr/en/everything_about_population/Community
Conserved Areas in India – A Directory

Neema Pathak; Page 811, Price: Rs 500
Community Conserved Areas (CCAs) today are an internationally recognised phenomenon. The directory compiled by Kalpavriksh is the first countrywide compilation and analysis of CCAs. The 800 page directory describes a diversity
of such initiatives, attempting to gain a deeper understanding
of conservation of biological diversity, local livelihoods,
people’s rights and development, through around 140 case
studies across 23 Indian states.
For more information contact:
Kalpavriksh, Apt 5, Shree Dutta Krupa,
908 Deccan Gymkhana, Pune- 411004
Ph: 020 – 25675450;E-mail:kvbooks@gmal.com
Website: http://www.kalpavriksh.org/
ESD Currents: Changing Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific
The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development completes 5 years in 2009. The publication is a peep into the past 5 years of the UNDESD in Asia and the pacific region.
ESD Currents consists of a collection of articles from the region, each giving a snapshot of action-oriented activities under the widening umbrella of ESD. The publication shares lessons learned best practices as well as refl ections upon challenges and future possibilities for ESD in the Asia-Pacifi c, in hopes to stimulate discussion for all players as to what the latter half of the ESD
Decade will look like and in what direction we are headed.
For more information and free download visit:
http://www.unescobkk.org/education/esd/resources/ publications/
Indigenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk
Reduction: From Practice to Policy
Editors: Rajib Shaw, Kyoto Univ., Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto, Japan, Anshu Sharma, SEEDS, New Delhi, India and Yukiko Takeuchi, Kyoto Univ.,Kyoto, Japan
The book is for professionals, practitioners, researchers, and graduate students.
Indigenous Knowledge (IK) has been practiced in communities over time. There is news after major disasters on how IK has been effective in the protection of the lives and properties of people and communities.
Some IK has been orally transmitted, and some are documented by local organizations sporadically. People and communities have developed their coping mechanisms over time, which is refl ected in the form of IK.
While many organizations recognize the importance of IK for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), there have been few systematic studies that analyze the principles of IK and its applicability to the modern context. This unique book is one of the fi rst attempts of systematic study of IK in
DRR. The book is a useful reference material for decision making, research, implementation, and documentation.
For more information visit:
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