Schools Water Portal
The Schools Water Portal is a unique platform for educators, students and school management to share learning resources on water. The portal is part of the India Water portal. The portal contains several colourful presentations, plays, debate topics, quizzes, poems and jingles all with water as the focal theme. The busy teacher could use these for enlivening the class, or ease an otherwise difficult topic. All these materials follow the set syllabus, and are free to download. Students can search for project ideas, and watch videos of student projects. The Principals corner is for proactive school management interested in conducting a water audit or implementing a rainwater harvesting system in their schools. Some links on the site:
Activities: Several hands-on activities on science and geography concepts, are available on the link. These can be conducted either in class or at a water site.
Case studies: the section highlights, small initiatives taken up by school students/community that help conserve water.
Project ideas: This section focuses on projects that students can work on to get a better understanding of our environment. Three types of projects are outlined in this section – descriptive,
scientific and implementation of solutions. Some of these projects have been suggested by water experts while others are projects that students have worked on.
The Schools Water Portal is a unique platform for educators, students and school management to share learning resources on water. The portal is part of the India Water portal. The portal contains several colourful presentations, plays, debate topics, quizzes, poems and jingles all with water as the focal theme. The busy teacher could use these for enlivening the class, or ease an otherwise difficult topic. All these materials follow the set syllabus, and are free to download. Students can search for project ideas, and watch videos of student projects. The Principals corner is for proactive school management interested in conducting a water audit or implementing a rainwater harvesting system in their schools. Some links on the site:
Activities: Several hands-on activities on science and geography concepts, are available on the link. These can be conducted either in class or at a water site.
Case studies: the section highlights, small initiatives taken up by school students/community that help conserve water.
Project ideas: This section focuses on projects that students can work on to get a better understanding of our environment. Three types of projects are outlined in this section – descriptive,
scientific and implementation of solutions. Some of these projects have been suggested by water experts while others are projects that students have worked on.
Announcements: Children can know about and participate in national and international competitions.
Water week: The link has water related quiz, plays, jingles, poems, acitivites, debate, guest lectures etc.
Water week: The link has water related quiz, plays, jingles, poems, acitivites, debate, guest lectures etc.
For more information visit:
MA in Education for Sustainable Development, York University
The MA course in Education for Sustainable development being offered by York University, UK is aimed at any teacher who is doing something in the area of sustainability, either in the classroom,
through seeking Eco-School status or in its relations with the local community, or through any of the 8 doorways policy framework for shcools into becoming a sustainable school. ‘Sustainability’ is
interpreted broadly to include participation, global citizenship as well as environmental issues such as energy and water, buildings and grounds, travel and transport, purchasing and waste, food and drink.
It is available as a part-time course. Practitioners in education and related areas can undertake a piece of research over a two year period.
In the first term participants attend 8 evening lectures on research methods at York. They are allocated a supervisor and over the next year and a half investigate their chosen area and write a
dissertation. This leads to an MA in Education by Research.
Centre for Excellence on Animals and Environment
The Ministry of Environment and Forest in April 2009 declared Centre for Animals and Environment as a Centre of Excellence for animals and environment. The main objectives of the newly appointed Centre are:
• to foster the Man-Animal-Nature relationship
• prevention of cruelty to animals
• protection of environment from pollution
• conservation of ecology
• inculcation of spiritual values in our approach to animals and nature
• promoting vegetarianism and animal welfare work.
For more information contact:
Centre for Animals and Environment,
Centre for Animals and Environment,
CARTMAN, Koramangala, 6th Block, Bangalore – 550 095, Karnataka
Phone: 080 25530304; E-mail: indheritage@hotmail
Phone: 080 25530304; E-mail: indheritage@hotmail
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