Based on the findings of the IPPC Fourth Assessment Report;
140 pages, Price: Rs 295
Simplifying Climate Change aims to simpify the scientific details outlined in the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report and produce a document that can be understood by the general reader. It presents a review of the focus laid under each of the Working Group reports on the science, impacts, adaptation and vulnerability and mitigation issues in a reader-friendly manner. The book is a useful resource for all those concerned with the environmental and social consequences of changes in the climate - students, researchers, policy makers and practioners in the field of natural sciences, social science and hazard management, economics and public health, and stakeholders in the corporate sector. Key features
• Provides the most up-to-date and reliable knowledge on the scientific aspects of climate change.
• Presents extensive scientific and technical knowledge in a simplified form.
• Figures and tables also simplified for easy comprehension.
• Contains an extensive glossary of technical terms.
• Useful reference for a wide audience.
For more information contact:
The Energy and Resources Institute
Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi - 110003
Ph: 011 24682100 or 41504900; Fax: 011 24682144
Environmental Concerns And Sustainable Development:
Some Perspectives From India
Author: Sakarama Somayaji; ISBN: 8179932249
Binding: Hardcover; Publisher: TERI Press
Industralization and development have brought about a radical shift in production and consumption patterns all over the world, including India. However, the impact of these trends on the earth’s climate and various natural resources has been quite serious. There is a need to bring about a major transition, whereby this generation, and more importantly, generations yet to come do not suffer from the ill effects of today’s development, which is clearly not sustainable. The human race has to bring about a rapid transition to a pattern of growth and development that is genuinely sustainable. Key features
- Focuses on immediate environmental concerns that impinge on sustainable development in India
- Includes contributions from 16 scholars working in the field of environment, society, and development interaction.
- Articles divided into two major themes development and environmental concerns and sustainable development practices.
- Well researched articles on major issues pertaining to environment and sustainable development includes well known case studies.
The Indian version of “State of the World 2009: Into a Warming World” has been produced by CEE for better outreach in India.
Launch events for the promotion of the Indian edition of the State of the World 2009 were held by CEE in 6 cities - Pune, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Guwahati, Bhubneshwar and Bangalore. At each location panel discussions were held to debate and discuss on local issues based on the discourses in the chapters of the book. Panelists in different cities included educators, policy makers, scientists,
representatives of business and industry etc.
Available from:
Paryavaran Edutech, CEE
Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad–380054
Ph: 079-26853739; E-mail:
The report of the events is at
More information about SoW 2009 at
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