Days in the quarter

International Co-operative Day

3rd July

International Co-operative Day is an annual celebration of the co-operative movement observed on the first Saturday in July since 1923 by the International Co-operative Alliance. The day aims to increase awareness on co-operatives and promote the movement's successes and ideals of international solidarity, economic efficiency, equality, and world peace. The International Day also aims to strengthen and extend partnerships between the international co-operative movement and other actors, including governments, at local, national and international levels.

Co-operatives around the world celebrate the day in various fashions and each year the organising institutions agree on a theme for the celebrations. The 2010 theme is Cooperative Enterprise Empowers Women which links to the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action (Beijing+15) which sets out the internationally agreed agenda for women's empowerment.

For more information on the day, visit:

World Humanitarian Day

19 August

19th August is commemorated as World Humanitarian Day for the second consecutive year. This is an effort by the United Nations General Assembly to raise public awareness of humanitarian assistance. The day honours those who have lost their lives in humanitarian service and those who continue to bring assistance and relief to millions. It also seeks to draw attention to humanitarian needs worldwide and to explain what humanitarian aid work entails. There are three main areas of focus for the commemoration of the day:
  • To draw attention to humanitarian needs worldwide;

  • To explain, in simple, visual terms what humanitarian aid work entails;

  • To remember those who have lost their lives in humanitarian service.

For more information on the day, visit:

World Tourism Day

27th September

World Tourism Day is commemorated with an aim to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value.

World Tourism Day 2010 takes place under the theme 'Tourism and Biodiversity', in line with the United Nation's Internatinal Year of Biodiversity and will raise awareness of the close relationship between tourism development, biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction. The host country rotates among regions, this year the official celebrations is being hosted by China on 27th September, with many other events taking place around the world.

For more information visit:

International Year of Youth (IYY)

12th August 2010 - 12th August 2011

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on 18 December 2009, proclaiming the year commencing on 12 August 2010 as the International Year of Youth. In line with the theme for the International Year, the theme for this year's International Youth Day is “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”.

The theme aims to provide a concrete framework for collective efforts during the Year, with focus on three key areas:

  1. Create awareness (increase commitment and investment in youth)

  2. Mobilize and engage (increase youth participation and partnerships)

  3. Connect and build bridges (increase intercultural understanding among youth)

For more information on the day, visit:

“Youth should be given a chance to take an active part in the decision-making of local, national and global levels." - Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations

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