National School Sanitation Initiative Launched
27 April 2010
On 27th April the Ministries of Urban Development and Human Resource Development in collaboration with CBSE and GTZ launched the National School Sanitation Initiative with Mr. Aamir Khan as the Brand Ambassador.
Under the initiative Health and Wellness Clubs will be set up in schools, which will instill among children values of good health and sanitation.
Several programmes are already on in the country focused on school sanitation and hygiene education.
The approach include baseline surveys, participatory need assessment & visioning, textbook analysis, development of need based IEC material, capacity building, exposure visits, development of hardware designs etc. These initiatives have useful learnings to offer for the development and implementation the National School Sanitation Initiative.

Various IEC materials targeting stakeholders have been developed under the WASH Programme, these include posters, flash cards, specialised kits, wall paintings, games, charts, booklets, flip charts, guide book, manuals, labels, stickers.
AnandShala - ‘School of Joy’is being implemented in 19 schools in a cluster in Arang block of Raipur district, Chhatisgarh. Aimed at improving the infrastructure of the existing school and the quality of teaching-learning process, school improvement plan is prepared through participatory approach for each schools. The activities include capacity building of teachers, students, school management committee, Sarpanch, Mistry and Self help groups. The programme is supported by the Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission of Chhattsigarh state.

A campaign to create awareness on water and sanitation in schools was taken up in 300 schools of Andhra Pradesh to facilitate participatory assessment involving students and teachers and initiate actions involving various stakeholders like PRIs, community groups and line departments.

The Human Value Based Water Sanitation Hygiene Education classrooms is a resource centre that provides time and space to learn creatively, link curriculum with real-life situations and interactive environment for hands-on learning.
The classrooms developed, in 4 cities of Madhya Pradesh in collaboration with the UN Habitat and local Education Department and Urban Civic Authorities and CEE are equipped with panels, poster, and models. Simple equipment to carry out water quality testing, activities for value based learning’s is run by trained school teachers. The classrooms are meant for creating awareness among the community as well.

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