The Journey of a Decade
Preeti R Kanaujia, Centre for Environment Education, Lucknow
National Green Corps (NGC) is a
nationwide initiative of Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government
of India, popularly known as ‘a programme of eco-clubs’. The programme,
initiated in 2001-2002, aims at building cadres of young children working
towards environmental conservation for a more secure and sustainable planet.
A Nodal
Agency selected by the State facilitates and coordinates the implementation of
the programme in the State/UT including selection of schools, disbursement of
eco-club grant, training of master trainers and monitoring of the overall
implementation of the programme. A Resource Agency identified for the State
assists the Nodal Agency and provides technical support needed for the
A decade of NGC
at the positive reception of the programme, the number of schools was increased
from 100 schools to 150 schools per district in 2004-05, and to 250 schools per
district in the year 2006-07. The annual grant was also increased to Rs. 2,500
per eco-club.
programme completed a decade in year 2011 and with this a country wide network
of 1,20,000 eco-clubs were established for taking up environmental awareness
campaigns and school based environment education activities.
Through this decade, eco-club
schools have demonstrated a number of innovative action projects and have shown
potential of enormous cross-learning among schools which were captured in a
compilation of 100 selected case studies ‘Young in Green Action’. There are
examples where Environment Education (EE) activities were taken beyond the
school and have reached out to the communities e.g. plantation on a large
scale, participating and strengthening the Total Sanitation Campaign,
eco-friendly festival campaigns, and such activities.
Eco club Structure and Function
An eco-club is a school level group of students who organize
themselves to learn more about environmental issues and also to take action to
improve their immediate environment. Each such club has around 30-35 children
having interest in environment related issues and its conservation. Each
Eco-Club is supervised by a teacher in-charge whose role is to motivate
students to become eco-club members and facilitate the activities being carried
out by the club.
The activities taken up by these eco-clubs range from
organizing seminars, field visits, campaigns and rallies, implementing action
based activities like tree plantation, waste management, growing kitchen
gardens, constructing water-harvesting structures in the school campus,
preparing inventories of biodiversity and also mobilizing the community to take
action against environmentally unsound practices such as improper garbage
and Achievements
The NGC programme has helped to
synergize the eco-club approach and school-based EE efforts of various
agencies, such as the following:
- It has helped synergize the school-based EE efforts of various State departments and institutes such as Pollution Control Boards, Forest Department, Education Department, Council of Science and Technology, local NGOs and Resource Agencies.
- A wide network of Master Trainers, Teachers-in-charge of eco-clubs, members of the District Implementation and Monitoring Committee (DIMC) is in place
- Nationwide trainings of master trainers and teachers have helped in creation of standardized training modules and associated resource material with locale-specific adaptations.
- A variety of locale-specific educational amterials has been produced by the nodal and resource agencies including environment days calendars, manuals covering various environmental issues, posters and charts, audiovisuals, games and other locale specific resource materials.
- Over the years, NGC has emerged as a key programme which contributes significantly to fulfilling the National and International mandates of the Government of India in areas of conservation education and local actions towards conserving Biodiversity as under Convention of Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change Education and Actions under UNFCCC. The NGC network is also being seen as a potential change agent for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) especially in the areas of environment, water and sanitation and nutrition.
- Initiatives have been taken to add value to the NGC programme by bringing additional resources at local level through accessing resource available with other government departments and schemes e.g. School Herbal Gardens under National Medicinal Plants Board in Maharashtra; successful participation in the National Environmental Awareness Campaign (NEAC); mobilizing development fund, and contribution from voluntary organizations. Strong and active participation by NGC eco-club schools in regional and national level science and environment related programmes such as the National Children’s Science Congress, state level science fairs and competitions adds vigor to the programme.
- NGC activities have been adapted by various State governments as annual state- and regional-level events and camping programmes such as Mowgli Utsav in Madhya Pradesh.
- Activities under the NGC programme provide opportunities for applying the theoretical leaning in various school subjects. They are helping in applying the constructivist approach emphasized in the National Curriculum Framework, 2005.
More careful documentation and
research on the NGC experiences would surely provide learnings for ESD, and
would be of interest to education planners, curriculum developers, and
For more information contact:
Education Division Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Govt of
India, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex,
Road New Delhi – 110 003
011-24367664; 24364593
In Focus
BVIEER – NGC Resource Agency for
Dr Shamita Kumar, Vice-Principal,
BVIEER provides an insight into the NGC programme in Maharashtra.BVIEER is the NGC Resource Agency in
Maharashtra and the Nodal Agency is the Social Forestry Dept.
This is not an isolated incident. School after school in
villages I have visited is running the NGC program in different ways. Some
focus on festivals in Maharashtra, some on birds using innovative methods to
teach, while others focus on bunding, making paper bags and recycled notebooks
on a large commercial scale.
The Maharashtra NGC programme has several innovative
components including:
Celebrating festivals
in an environment friendly manner through a sustained educational
Establishment of NGC
Parks across the state
Establishment of
Shraddha Van
Promoting education for
sustainable development
The theme of celebrating festivals in an eco-friendly manner
was selected as these festivals link to plantation, biodiversity conservation,
importance of wildlife, prevention of pollution, waste segregation and
recycling, composting through a variety of action based programs.
A calendar of activities to be conducted during the year is
prepared jointly and designed by the Resource Agency. It highlights specific
days and the weeks which provide opportunities for conducting environmental activities.
Every month is devoted to a specific festival and thus focuses on a relevant
environmental activity. Various environment days throughout the year also
provide opportunities for promoting concepts of conservation and
sustainability. Suggestions for specific activities that could be carried out
are developed and presented through posters developed quarterly.
Another unique aspect of the NGC program in Maharashtra is
the NGC Park concept proposed by the Resource Agency. Every District Nodal Officer
has been asked to study the feasibility and to identify an appropriate place
for setting it up. This concept was born out of the fact that the Social
Forestry Department has land in its jurisdiction ranging from 1 to 10 hectares
which is presently used to develop their nurseries. Most of them are in a
natural setting and adjoining areas that are naturally forested or are grasslands,
wetlands, etc. BVIEER mooted the idea of establishing NGC Resource Centres
which could house a nature trail, exhibits, in the form of posters, games, etc.
The groundwork was initiated in the year 2007 and is being consolidated every
year. The first NGC Park was set up in the environs of the Poona Club and was
inaugurated in May 2008.
In order to harness religious sentiments for conservation, the concept of a Shraddha Van was mooted. Large scale plantations will be initiated and monitored by NGC students in locations adjoining places of religious importance of all religions.
NGC in Maharashtra has had a multi pronged approach of designing
EE modules that are locale specific with regard to the cultural and
environmental situation. The teachers have found this useful and adequate media
coverage has boosted their morale and that of students. This has helped create
an active and vibrant NGC programme in the state.
For more information contact:
Dr Shamita Kumar, Vice-Principal Institute of Environment
and Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University
Katraj, Pune 411043
Phone: 20-24375684; 24362155
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