Reorienting Biodiversity Education for Sustainable Development
need of the hour
Dr Shailaja Ravindranath, Programme Director, CEE South
touches our lives and the livelihoods, influencing economic, ecological and
socio-cultural aspects leading to Sustainable Development; education and awareness
are integral to the conservation of Biodiversity to attain Sustainable
Development. There is a need, hence, to incorporate the perspectives of
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into biodiversity education.

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Communication, Education, Public
Awareness (CEPA)

as the key partner, CBD launched a
global initiative on biodiversity education in 2002 at COP 6 in Hague and
adopted the framework of CEPA (COP 6 Decision VI/19). CEPA strategies were then
integrated into all sectoral and thematic areas under the programme of work of
the CBD.
Decade of CEPA ( 2002 – 2012)
decision to develop CEPA work programme was taken in COP 7 (Malaysia, 2004) and
COP 8 (Brazil, 2006) adopted a list of ten priority activities to guide
implementation of CEPA. COP 9 (Bonn, 2008) invited Parties to increase their
efforts of CEPA and also to integrate it into their National Biodiversity Strategy
and Action Plans (NBSAPs).
decision to declare 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity was also
taken at COP 9.
As the UN
Decade on Biodiversity (2011 - 2020) was declared at the COP 10 in 2010, in
Nagoya, Japan, the Aichi Biodiversity targets adopted for the Decade, placed
education and awareness at the top of its targets. Target 1 states, ‘By 2020,
at the latest, people are aware of the values of Biodiversity and the steps
they can take to conserve and use it sustainably’. The Strategic goal E,
‘Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management
and capacity building’, further supports the Aichi Biodiversity target 1.
Even though
the thinking on CEPA continues to increase, the practices need strengthening.
The impact of CEPA in achieving the objectives of CBD is slower and hardly
visible. For instance, education finds place only in a fraction of the National
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAP) of the Signatory countries,
reflecting the commitment of countries to CEPA. In the CBD COP meetings, CEPA
is a cross cutting issue. Yet, the issues related to CEPA to achieve specific
targets are little discussed. The inadequate allocation of explicit space and
time for CEPA discussions, despite the best of intentions, has been a matter of
concern. Even the strategic plan of the UN Decade on Biodiversity (2011-2020),
does not draw any specific plan for education and public awareness (UNEP 2010).
where is the problem? CEPA in the DESD
In 2004,
more than a decade of the Earth Summit, the UN General Assembly declared the UN
Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) with UNESCO as the
lead agency with the objective of reorienting education towards sustainable
With the
concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) evolving independently
of CEPA, UNESCO is promoting education on biodiversity focusing on the
interlinking issues of biodiversity and sustainable development in the context
of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD).
there is a great deal of interest along with laudable efforts to weave ESD into
the mainstream of the biodiversity conservation programmes at all levels,
taking advantage of events and processes of the International Year of
Biodiversity (2010), DESD (2005 – 2014) and now the UN Decade on Biodiversity
(UNDB: 2011 - 2020).
the perspectives of ESD have not been embedded in to CEPA and still remain
parallel and independent stream in terms of thinking and implementation.
challenges of CEPA in the UNDB
The UN
Decade of Biodiversity has defined 20 Aichi Biodiversity targets which are
intended to be achieved, in the specific time frame of 10 years, aiming at
multi stakeholders focusing more on the communities and address complex issues
related to environment, socio-cultural and economics. Are the present
strategies of CEPA adequately equipped to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity
mid-decade conference at Bonn in 2009, while discussing the ‘Mainstreaming
Biodiversity into Education and Learning’ felt that ‘More environmental
education is required in formal and informal education, with a better focus on biodiversity in a more holistic
way, involving links to ethical, social, cultural and economic aspects’.
the challenge for CEPA to support CBD work programmes to achieve the Aichi
Biodiversity targets is much more comprehensive, complex and huge in the
decade. Is more CEPA or a different type of CEPA required in this context?
Probably both. This calls for widening the scope, developing much more powerful
taken by CBD towards strengthening CEPA
CBD, well
aware of this crucial requirement, has set education and awareness high on the
agenda to facilitate the implementation of other 19 targets.
major step in this direction is signing a MoU for a partnership between the CBD
Secretariat and the Centre for Environment Education (CEE). This was a
consequence of a two-day parallel event ‘International Conference on
Biodiversity Conservation and Education for Sustainable Development – Learning
to Conserve Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World’, organized by CEE in
partnership with Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India, the CBD Secretariat, UNESCO,
UNEP, and GEF UNDP SGP, at the recently held CBD COP 11 in October
2012 in
Hyderabad, India. The outcome document emphasized linking CEPA
to ESD, “Recognizing that biodiversity
conservation being intrinsically linked to sustainable development, it is
important to move beyond CEPA to align with the concepts of Education for
Sustainable Development (ESD), as we formulate educational strategies to
achieve the Aichi biodiversity targets”.
partnership would involve taking the initiative forward, working towards
developing and implementing an educational strategy and plans of action that
are supportive to the objectives of CBD, the strategic plan in the Decade on
Biodiversity, and the objectives of Education for Sustainable Development. The
task includes collaboration on foundational research, engaging relevant
partners and stakeholders for wider sharing of information, learning,
implementation and scaling up of best practice. It is hoped that this
partnership will play an important role in strengthening ESD within the CBD.
Road Ahead
assumption that the parties are committed to sustainable development and hence
will link CEPA to ESD is farfetched. As the UNDESD is drawing to a closein
2014, countries are still struggling to understand the implementation
mechanisms of ESD and harness its full potential.
One of
greatest challenges is to embed the ESD perspectives into the CEPA processes
within the CBD in a coherent and timely manner. It is important for ESD
therefore to link with the objectives of the CBD to avoid repetitions, save
resources and bring institutions together. It is only appropriate at this point
to analyse the strengths, weakness and opportunities of ESD critically with a
clear understanding of the processes and implications in Biodiversity
conservation identify and bridge the gaps to integrate into CEPA, for a more
meaningful and effective contribution to both the decades - UNDB and UNDESD.
The need of
the hour for achieving Aichi targets in the remaining eight years of the UNDB
therefore, is a strong, concrete strategy and plan of action including the
investments for Education within the CBD, linking it with sustainable
For more information contact:
Shailaja Ravindranath
CEE South, Kamala
Mansion, II Floor, 143
Road, Bengaluru – 560 001
Initiating a new partnership
the initiatives and efforts of CEE in reemphasizing the role of education as a
key driver to achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, through the parallel
event, the international Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and
Education for Sustainable Development: Learning to Conserve Biodiversity in a
Rapidly Changing World, held at the margins of the CBD COP 11, at Hyderabad
the CBD Secretariat and CEE have signed a memorandum of cooperation and agreed to:
the CBD Secretariat and CEE have signed a memorandum of cooperation and agreed to:
- Cooperate to promote the development and implementation of educational strategy and plans of action that are supportive of the objectives of the CBD, the Strategic Plan and the Decade on Biodiversity and of the objectives of education for sustainable development;
- Collaborate on foundational research and desk studies that would assist CBD in development of strategies, guidelines, tools and materials to support relevant communication and learning objectives;
- Collaborate to engage relevant partners and stakeholders, including existing international educational initiatives for wider sharing of information, learning, implementation and scaling up;
- Collaborate on innovative concepts and practices to educate and engage stakeholders, particularly children and youth, such as the Handprint and The Green Wave initiatives, in order to advance their objectives and strengthen their implementation and effectiveness;
- Collaborate to encourage participation of local communities, children and youth and other stakeholder groups in decision making processes and implementation actions related to biodiversity and other related issues;
- 6 These activities would be defined and implemented in accordance with agreed biennial work plans.
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