The Shikra

I first saw it two years ago, just out of its nest, a little scared and unsure of the surroundings. It had the majestic look but had to yet learn the ruling nature and sharpness of a raptor. Otherwise what do you make of it sitting on an antenna, next to a crow? This was unusual, so I cross checked to confirm if this was a Shikra. The stomach had reddish/brown bands, the back was turning bluish black but the reddish-brown colouration was still seen, the round-pointed flesh tearing beak and the two round piercing eyes, yellow in colour.
Yes, this
was a juvenile Shikra sharing the antenna with a crow.
like a child bunking school for the first time, this juvenile also sat in one
corner unsure of its next move.
The crow
sharing the antenna was also true to its breed. Why leave an opportunity to
make some trouble? He glanced
at his companion and suddenly attacked the Shikra with its beak. The poor
Shikra had to abandon the perch and move quickly.
On the Neem tree nearby, the bulbuls and squirrels started an uproar.
I spotted
the Shikra on the terrace again after a couple of days. He had the same blank
look. The squirrels on the Neem tree
that had noted his presence started their usual hullabaloo.
After that
day I kept a watch for the Shikra, but he did not come to our building or the
trees nearby. One morning, I heard a high pitched call. I looked out of my
window and there
I saw the Shikra
on the Neem tree! It was not just visiting the place, this time he was making
an announcement that he was here to stay!
In these
35-40 days many physical changes were visible on him. One could almost feel the
raptor blood in him. He looked like a young royal prince. That day I completely
lost track of time admiring him.
It became a
routine. The Shikra would visit early morning and announce his arrival through
loud calls. He would perch and observe the birds and for fun, it would mock
attack squirrels
and see them
scamper for shelter. Perhaps I imagined a smile flicker on the corners of his
beak. Even if he only boasted a tender moustache, he had the true blood of a
killer. He did not bother much about roguish crows now. The Neem tree was his
kingdom. The message was clear to the crow who left its regular place for the
For days I
observed the bird visiting at specific times.
The head
and upper parts turned more blue and grey. The under parts became much clearly
barred, the reddish barrings were more prominent on the breast. The yellow eyes
turned deep red in colour.
Then, for a
few days he did not turn up at his usual time. I did not worry much about this
absence, thinking he was now in his prime and must be enjoying his youth. But
the days turned into months. By now he had become a part of my life and to not
see him was like missing someone, very close to me.
thoughts filled my mind. I recollected the accident near the forest plantation
at the Avsari Ghat of Pune Nasik Highway. A speeding vehicle had knocked a
Shikra and zoomed ahead. I had stopped my car to see. The bird was still warm,
but didn’t move. The pulse was missing. The haughty neck that would pick up
prey midair in a fraction of second, was hanging on the shoulder. Eyes were
half open, and they still had a lively glitter in them. But it was dead.
This memory
sent a chill in me. I wondered what had happened to my Shikra. I silently
prayed to God for his safety.

shot out of the Silver Oak tree like an arrow and attacked a black kite with
its beak. It was the Shikra! Who dared attack the kite double its size. The
kite turned in mid air and returned the attack. With agility the Shikra changed
its direction. The kite moved ahead and the Shikra swooped and again attacked.
The kites had to abandon the place. The Shikra went back in the Silver Oak. I
was so proud to see it back! I had seen it as an immature baby, sitting in one
corner, unsure of its own move and today I saw him defending his territory!
Where was he for so many days? Did he find a mate for self? If he was in the
same area, then why did he not visit the Neem tree? Many questions popped up in
my head that moment. Anyhow, even if these questions couldn’t be answered, my
day was already made by a glance of the bird.
evening I sat near our terrace door, reading a book. I must have
read for 30-45 minutes when I felt
something move on the terrace wall right above my head. I thought it must be
one of the rock pigeons parading on the wall. I didn’t look up. There
was no movement, everything was quiet
for sometime. I was about to start reading again, when I felt two
red burning embers looking at me. I
didn’t believe myself for a second, ‘the’ Shikra was looking at me! Untill now I had
observed him from a distance, and today it chose to sit so close and observe
me! I don’t know since when it was sitting there. The Shikra suddenly got alert
by my stare and excitement. He kept the feet (until then kept close to its
stomach for comfort) back on ground and sat upright. I didn't want him to fly
away. So I covered my eyes with palm and started observing him through the gaps
of my finger.
The bird
that had fiercely defended its terrority forcing the kites to abandon the sky
in morning, was 8-10 feet from me! Why did he choose to sit so close to me? In
this mad world, did he find me, “a suitable candidate” to observe? There was a
piece of red flesh on his beak. So I guess he had just finished a kill and was
now resting. For a few seconds the Shikra observed me closely, then started
looking around. I slowly got up from my chair. The Shikra sensed my move and
again gave me hard look. I froze in my position and he again started looking
around. I again moved an inch. After many such attempts, I went on the other
side of the wall. I opened my cupboard, took my camera and focused on him.
I took my
position and held on to
camera with support from the chair. For a good shot I had to make slight
movements and I couldn't possibly hide/cover myself there. My movements must
have made the Shikra curious. His complete attention was now focused on me. I
took umpteen photographs of the bird. He did not fear me anymore. I was very
close to him but he was not concerned about this nearness now. It was past 6
pm, the darkness was setting in. I kept my camera aside and observed the bird
in the fading sunlight.
The Shikra
fluttered its wings. This led to a commotion between the bulbuls and squirrels
on the nearby Saptaparni (Alstonia) tree.
One Sunday
afternoon after a couple
weeks I heard the loud calls of the bird again. Suddenly a bird, spreading its
brownish wings flew out of the leaf bunch. This was a Shikra but this was a
‘she’ not the ‘he’ I was looking for. But just after her, the male Shikra
Now I knew,
it was because of this female company that he was not frequenting the Neem
tree. The birds swooped in the air before my eyes and vanished beyond the
horizons. Our next meeting was going to be decided by him.
The prince
was now ready to take the sky under his wings.
For more information contact:
Shyamsundar Kasab
Flat No.
72, Siddhi, Meenatai Thakare Nagar,
Email: photograph courtesy: Shatanik Kasab
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