7th World Environment Education Congress
9th to 14th June 2013, Marrakesh, Morocco The WEEC Congress, every two year hosts a conference for environmental educators from across the world with a view to share their experiences in the field that result in different thematic niches. The 7th WEEC that is planned to happen in June 2013 in Morocco aims to highlight environment educator’s role in the urban and rural areas and in hybrid spaces between. The conference aims to highlight the concern through 11 thematic niches: 1. Promoting Environmental Education and Networking2. Intercultural dialogues3. Social Movements and building ecological societies4. Communications and the impact of social media5. Ecological economics and green economies6. Ethics, ecophilosophy, human-nature relationships7. Greening education8. Creative impulses9. Pedagogy and learning10. Research in environmental education11. Risk, health, and environment
For more information visit:www.7weec.org
Email: info@weec2013.org
2014 – 2024: The Decade of Sustainable Energy for All
The period of 2014 – 2024 has been declared as the “Decade of Sustainable Energy for All” by the United Nations General Assembly. In accord with the release of the UN, this initiative is not only necessary for the co-creation of the post-2015 development agenda which will help to shape the future global development framework that ensues the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), but also is indispensable for sustainable development. Kandeh Yumkella, Director-General of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Chair of UN-Energy said, “Sustainable Energy for all is essential for achieving our Millennium Development Goals and for opening up new opportunities for growth and prosperity in every country of the world” Until now 1.3 billion people don’t have access to electricity, 2.6 billion use traditional biomass as fuel for cooking and heating and a huge number of people could not afford modern energy supply, even if it was available. Those are obstacles the initiative has to face. Therefore the accessibility of affordable, economically manageable, economically and socially sustainable energy provision has to be enhanced. Together with the Sustainable Energy for All initiative the resolution stresses next to ensuring universal access the need of improvement in energy efficiency and the extension of the share of renewable energy. The objective of the decade is
- Ensure universal access to modern energy services
- Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency
- Double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
Go4BioDiv – Go for Biodiversity
Go4BioDiv is an international forum for young dedicated people from the age of 18 to 29. It gives the youth from all over the world the unique opportunity to share their on-the-ground conservation experience with their peers and the wider public. It enables them to participate in political discussions by engaging with international leaders during the Conferences of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP). Go4BioDiv was Initiated by the German development cooperation and the German National Park of the Bavarian Forest. Go4BioDiv has happened three times until now. After Germany (2008) and Japan (2010), parallel to the COP, it was hosted in Hyderabad in October 2012 where the youths got an opportunity to give inputs forthe Conference of Parties (COP), body of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The theme of the gathering was ‘Conserving coastal and marine biodiversity for sustaining life and livelihoods’. It was participated by 35 candidates from sites all over the world, who spent ten days in the Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest in the Bay of Bengal. They studied and discussed about the upcoming topics in workshops. Subsequently during COP 11, they presented their message through their Go4BioDiv Youth Declaration. This was evaluated as very valid by experts of the Conference. The Messengers stayed in Hyderabad during the Conference and expressed their concerns further through drama, exhibition and side-events.
For more information visit:www.go4biodiv.org or write to info@go4biodiv.org
Handprint – Action Towards Sustainability
‘Handprint – Action Towards Sustainability’ was organized by CEE in the CEPA Fair on experiences and best practices in Communication, Education and Public Awareness at the COP11, 8 -19 Oct 2012. The Handprint concept is the symbol of, measure for, and commitment to positive action towards sustainability. This event helped to share the concept of Handprint and its use in five different ways (positive and tangible action and projects, a tool to calculate, commitment, caring attitude, and networking and collaboration) in different parts of India and the world. Participants and speakers shared their views about how they recognize and identify relevance of their work to the Handprint concept. A resource booklet ‘Handprint – Positive Action towards Biodiversity Conservation’ was developed after this event which includes information about the concept, its use in different contexts, and views in the form of voices of participants.
For information visit:www.handprint.in and www.cbd.int/cepa/fair/2012
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