UNFCCC's Doha Climate Summit Updates
Rixa Schwarz and Praveen Prakash work with CEE in the Sustainable Business and Climate Change group. Rixa has been following the UNFCCC negotiations since several years and attended COP18 in Doha working on the issue of climate equity as well as climate change education for sustainability. Praveen provides advisory services to industries on climate change, emission reduction and GHG accounting. He specializes in climate change; adaptation and mitigation; compliance mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation and development of carbon credits.
Rixa Schwarz and Praveen Prakash work with CEE in the Sustainable Business and Climate Change group. Rixa has been following the UNFCCC negotiations since several years and attended COP18 in Doha working on the issue of climate equity as well as climate change education for sustainability. Praveen provides advisory services to industries on climate change, emission reduction and GHG accounting. He specializes in climate change; adaptation and mitigation; compliance mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation and development of carbon credits.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process was
highly and rightly so criticised internationally for its extremely slow
progress after it completed its 18th Conference of the Parties (COP18) in Doha,
Qatar in December 2012. COP18 could be considered a ‘follow-up event’ as COP17 a year
ago in Durban, South Africa, had taken important decisions which the Doha
Summit took next steps upon. Countries had decided in Durban in 2011 to present
a new comprehensive climate deal until 2015 - a deal which should include
action on emission reduction by all countries and
enable developing countries to act on adaptation and mitigation by ‘northern’
support in terms of finance, technology cooperation and capacity building. This
had been a major procedural success after the failure of the Copenhagen Summit
in 2009 which had a similar goal. Now,
at COP18 in Doha the next organisational steps were taken in order to allow
negotiations towards the 2015 deal. In brief:
- The second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction from industrialized countries was established and
- The remaining negotiation track for long- term cooperative action was closed in order to continue negotiations in one single track, the so-called Durban Platform for Enhanced Action. This was the very minimum that observing NGOs had expected to happen - and in fact, not much more was agreed in Doha, especially not on content. The urgently needed ‘ambition’ to act on climate change could not be witnessed. No emission reduction targets were raised, no sums of climate funding not even close to what is required were even promised.
The two small success stories of Doha:
ESD and gender equality
relevant for the education scene is the adoption of the Doha work programme on
education. The Delhi working programme on education, training and communication
of 2002 was after a review process replaced by the eight-year Doha work
programme for continued work on climate change education as suggested by
Article 6 of the Convention. This new programme includes measures on six
elements: education,
training, public awareness, public participation, public access
to information, and international
cooperation. Moreover, at Doha, the UN Alliance on Climate Change Education,
Training and Public Awareness was launched where amongst others UNESCO, UNEP,
FAO and WMO are
partnering lead by the UNFCCC secretariat to implement the work programme.
Other actors like NGOs, academia and the private sector are to support the
implementation with the continuity of their existing activities and further
regional and international cooperation. For further details visit
second off-side but significant success of Doha is the so called miracle of
Doha - the agreement on gender equality. The decision to promote “gender
balance and improved participation of women in UNFCCC negotiations and in the
representation of Parties in bodies established pursuant to the Convention or
the Kyoto Protocol” was one of the few items happily adopted in the late night
plenary. The
next COP, to be held in November 2013 in Warsaw, Poland, will hopefully deliver
bigger success stories.
more information contact:
or praveen.prakash@ceeindia.org
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